Hi, I'm Ashlee
The heart behind Lala Bear. You see, Lala Bear was born out of love, chaos, and a dash of that precious mum humor that keeps us all sane!
I'm a proud stay-at-home mum to four incredible kids. They are my alarm clock, my motivation for trying to look alive each day, and yes, the reason I've discovered a few extra gray hairs (thanks, kids plucked each of them quick smart!). Life with four little ones can be a wild ride, but it's the most rewarding adventure I've ever embarked upon.
Now, let's talk about how the Lala Bear journey began. It all started with my first baby, Lana. She was a little spill machine during naps, leaving behind stains and soggy bassinet sheets. Back then, waterproof sleeves for these tiny spills were as elusive as a unicorn. So, I resorted to using good ol' flannels under her head to spare my sheets.
Fast forward a couple of years, and baby number two, Laur, arrived with the same spillage issue. But this time, he had a bit of hair on his head. So, enter the flannels again—my trusty sidekicks in sheet-saving adventures. However, I soon noticed a little bald spot forming on the back of his head and tiny hairs on the flannels. That's when I had a lightbulb moment: I grabbed a piece of silk I had lying around and placed it on top of the flannel. The magic happened—no more hair loss, and my sheets rejoiced!
When baby number three, Kera (or as we lovingly call her, Bear), made her debut, I was a seasoned pro. I was ready and armed with my silk-and-flannel combo. The result? Dry sheets and a happy, full-haired baby.
As time went on, I started thinking, "Why not turn this into something more?" I needed a business name, and the inspiration was right at home. I blended my kids' names into "Lala Bear," and just like that, our brand was born.
I ordered materials, enlisted the help of my talented aunt, who knew her way around a sewing machine, and voila—the very first "Lala Lush" came to life. Baby number four was the lucky recipient of this ingenious creation, although she missed out on the brand name.
Years later, I mustered the courage to take the leap and turn this into a real thing. So, here we are!
I can't express my gratitude enough for supporting my little family. I hope that my experience with these adorable, spilly, bald little bundles of joy make your journey into parenthood just a smidge easier.
With love,